How to successfully let baby using a spoon (with recipes!)

Does your baby love to self-feed with fingers, but isn’t keen on using a spoon?  

While self-feeding using fingers is an important skill, so is learning to use a spoon. It’s a developmental milestone that kids achieve shortly after the 1st year & gain refined skill by age 2. 

Kids may prefer using their fingers because they get feedback through the skin, muscles & joints that helps them feel safe. With a spoon, the feedback is primarily via the lips, tongue & mouth. That’s why it’s so important for babies to go through 2 stages of mouth play: generalized mouthing in infancy & discriminative mouthing at about 4 to 5 months of age. That means baby is gaining the motor skills to intentionally move teethers & toys in her mouth as she explores the shape & texture. Most importantly, she gets to experience exactly how her body responds to that stimuli before food is introduced!

By 9 months of age, when kids aren’t comfortable with a spoon in their mouths, they may have missed out on this type of exploration.  Offer opportunities throughout the day (always when your child is safely seated) to mouth safe, flexible mouth toys. The grabease 2-in-1 self-feeding silicone spoon is a bit smaller than the grabease utensils, flexible & has a texture handle.  It’s a great first spoon for dipping & building confidence in a child who is hesitant.  

Got a toddler who isn’t keen on self-feeding with utensils? Offer the slightly larger grabease utensils during pretend play & let her lick & bite without the sensory component of food in her mouth. Keep offering the spoon at snack/mealtimes, too.  Give it a month & if your child is still hesitating, contact an occupational therapist or a speech language pathologist who specializes in feeding to offer specific strategies for your older child."

Mashed Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is a good start to introduce vegetables to your baby. Peel and roughly chop the sweet potato before boiling. Wait until tender, then transfer to a bowl to mash. Seasonings like salt, pepper, and garlic powder can be added for taste. Mashed food is a great way to teach your baby how to use a spoon. It doesn’t require much chewing either, since they have yet to develop teeth.

Ensure that the spoon your child is using is fit for their needs. Baby spoons allow for better grip and are made soft since their teeth are still growing. Choosing a brightly colored spoon can also entice your baby to eat on their own.

Grabease Silicone Spoons are patented, pediatrician tested and come in fun colors.

Scrambled Eggs

Eggs are a good source of protein and are customizable to your baby’s preference. You can cook the scrambled eggs with cheese to add flavor and a bit of texture. If you’re teaching your baby to use their hands to eat, cook the eggs using a folding technique instead of whisking. If needed, slice the eggs into bite-size pieces before serving. This way, the shape of the eggs will be easier for them to pick up.

Since your baby is learning to self-feed, it is best to place their food in a baby-proof dish. Opting for baby bowls that have a suction prevents them from spilling their food. Additionally, choosing break-proof dinnerware is a safe option for their learning hands.

Grabease Silicone Suction Bowl is also patented and pediatrician tested. It is made of food grade silicone that is resistant to bacteria, odor, and stains. The strong suction adheres to most surfaces to make learning to self-feed easier for both parent and baby. It's also dishwasher safe!

Loulou Lollipop Born to be Wild Tableware Collection

Your toddlers have mastered the skills of using the learning utensils? They graduate to the big kids’ version designed for their growing hands. Then you must try Loulou Lollipop new collection, Born to be Wild is a line of fun and practical tableware designed for kids from ages 4 months to 5 years old.

The range of Born to be Wild collections are very wide. From Infant Feeding Spoon to Learning Fork and Spoon Set which allow toddlers to confidently grasp the spoon and fork to encourage self-feeding.. With thoughtful details, smart and ergonomic designs, the collection makes mealtime fun and easy with plates, bowls, cutlery, and more.

▼ From left to right: Divided Plate with Lid, Learning Fork & Spoon set, Snack Plate

▲ From left to right: Chopstick, Infant Feeding Spoon, Kid’s Fork and Spoon set

Born to be Wild collections will make snack time fun!

Born to be Wild collection are mainly made of 100% premium buttery smooth food-safe silicone, they are lightweight and easy to clean. Less mess, more snacking fun!

Available in seven adorable animal friends to entertain your little one! Those seven adorable animal are Alligator, Bunny, Elephant, Giraffe, Lion, Llama, and Rhino.

The collection is made with premium buttery soft and safe silicone and quality materials that meet the ASTM, CPSC, EN, AUS, and GB international safety standards. Free of BPA, Phthalates, and harmful substances.

Silicone feeding spoon are made of soft, smooth silicone that can easily be thrown into the dishwasher and are safe for kids to chew on as they learn to eat.

Learning Spoon and Fork are designed with chunky easy-grab handles to let kids learning self-feeding easily, it is recommended for kids that are older enough that no longer love chewing everything, because it is made from premium food-safe silicone and SS304 stainless steel.

The bowl and plate coming with steady suction, simply press the plate and bowl down and it will stick to most smooth surfaces to prevent slips and spills. They have an upcoming new products which is Divided Plate with Lid!

Divided Plate with Lid features a strong suction base, the tight-fitting lid with an adorable alligator handle makes it easy to store and heat meals. The plate includes three separate sections to encourage food group variety and appropriate portion sizes.

Why Born to be Wild?

  • 100% premium food-grade silicone

  • Free of BPA, PVC, phthalates, lead, and cadmium

  • Size (cm): varies

  • Recommended Age: 6 months +

  • Dishwasher safe

  • Microwave oven safe

By combining a timeless, feel-good aesthetic, memorable pops of color, and an uncompromising commitment to the safest, highest quality materials, LouLou LOLLIPOP is redefining baby goods.

And reminder from us do not leave a child unattended with the fork or spoon and discard if damaged.

4 Must know about self feeding

Self feeding is an important development for children. Teaching children to self feeding may not be an easy thing. But feeding your child continuously until he grows up is not good either. This will only hinder its development.

Self feeding in children comes in phases, making it a long drawn out, but extremely rewarding, journey for you and your child. Although your child needs to reach toddlerhood to have the physical ability to self feed, it helps to start early. Here are the 4 must know things before you start letting your baby self feeding.


| Self feeding advantages

| How to encourage self feeding

| Best self feeding age

| My favorite self feeding spoon

4 Must know about self feeding-1

Self feeding advantages

Some parents choose to continue feeding their children because they don't want their children to be messy or dirty while eating alone. In fact, this is a learning process that children must go through. Baby led weaning (BLW) is a method that allows babies to self feeding. Mama only needs to prepare food that has been processed according to the baby's ability to eat, then the baby can use his hands to take and feed the food. Letting children eat alone also teaches him many things. Self feeding have many advantages.

Read more: Why letting your baby self-feeding is worth the mess

To prevent obesity

One of them is keeping children connected to their basic instincts (hunger) and listening to their own body cues (satiety). When a child is fed by another person, the child has the potential to eat more than they need, causing them to lose touch with their basic bodily instincts. In addition, it can also trigger stomach upset and can lead to eating problems later in life, such as obesity.

Helping children recognize the taste and texture of food

In applying the BLW method, food is served in a solid and larger form. This will allow your little one to recognize the texture because it is easy to grip. In addition, this method also introduces your little one to the various tastes, colors and aromas of the food he consumes.

Read more: Start feeding your kids solid food with this

Support children's motor development

Implementing the BLW method can support your little one's motor development, you know, Bun. This method can be a means for your little one to train eye and hand coordination, as well as chewing and grasping skills.

Read more: How to help my baby develop their pincer grasp?

Make children enjoy the food they eat

Teaching your little one this method allows him to enjoy the food he is eating without the need to be forced to open his mouth. In addition, your little one can also be introduced to many types of food.

4 Must know about self feeding-2
4 Must know about self feeding-3

How to encourage self feeding

Don't help put food in their mouth

You could say BLW is a method for making your little one independent when eating. You should really try to step back and believe that your baby can put food well in his mouth. Don't help put food in his mouth and you don't have to worry if you think he doesn't eat much. At this stage, food is a way for your little one to experiment and learn. As extra nutrition, your child will get what he needs from his milk, whether formula milk or breast milk.

Try offering a variety of foods

After your baby learns to use a spoon (holding objects between fingers and thumbs a.k.a. pincer grasp), you can introduce berries and raisins, or peas. Don't overwhelm your baby with too much food, having in front of him two or three items at a time is sufficient.

Read more: Baby's first solid food

Be patient

It is better if you don't rush when you want to let your children self feeding, because your child will choke on food if his age is not suitable, another reason is because he is not good at chewing food that is too solid. Wait until your baby is six months old and make sure he can sit up straight before starting self feeding. Be patient is the key.

Nothing comes easy with the baby. Every habit and every successful milestone is a result of someone’s effort. It could be you, your nanny, your spouse, the siblings or even strangers.

Read more: 3 Rules you must follow when giving first food to your children

4 Must know about self feeding-10

Best self feeding age

Learning to self feeding can generally begin at the age of 9 months, when children are able to grasp their own food. At this age, parents is allowed to give them finger foods or foods that are easy to grasp. Children will become interested in holding their own spoon, fork, or water bottle in both hands when they are 13–15 months old.

In my daughter case, I let her start hold when she was 7 months. The food does not always fill the spoon and she not always succeeds in putting it in her mouth. Not a little food will also fall on the floor or table.

Around 18-24 months of age, they will begin to be adept at putting their own food into his mouth less messy. However, your little one must always be supervised when learning to eat on their own. Because they are still learning, sometimes children may choke, cough, or vomit. Later when your little one enters the age of 24–36 months, they will be more adept at eating and enjoying their own food without the need for help from adults.

4 Must know about self feeding-4

My favorite self feeding spoon

You might be wondering if you can just get away with using a regular old steel spoon to feed your baby. After all, if it’s good enough for you to eat with, shouldn’t it be fine for a baby?

Some old-school parents will shrug and say that you can feed a toddler just fine without buying yet another special tool. But most feeding authorities recommend using a shallow, plastic children’s spoon for feeding, since it’s easier for them to eat from and won’t hurt their delicate mouths.

Read more: Baby essentials that is important for your children's development

Combined spoon and teether

Some spoons are made a little larger with a more chewy texture, for those teething kids who to bite down on as they eat. The teething element may encourage some kids to use the spoon.

Grabease stage 1 silicone spoon

The soft spoon is perfect for tiny mouths during the early stages of self-feeding, and the textured handle soothes little one's gums during teething. Kickstart BLW with Grabease stage 1 self-feeding silicone spoon.

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4 Must know about self feeding-6

Shaped ergonomic spoons

Little hands can be clumsy and a spoon is hard to hold. This style of spoon is usually chunkier and shaped to help toddlers get to grips with their fine motor skills.

Grabease stage 2 spoon and fork

Grabease patented fork and spoon sets were the first utensils designed with babies’ independence in mind, and they come highly recommended by Occupational Therapists. The ergonomic handle fits comfortably in babies' natural hand grasp, making the hand-to-mouth motion easier. This set will also help strengthen their fingers while encouraging proper pencil grasp development (this will come in handy later!).

BONUS! Yummy and healthy ice cream for your baby with Grabease

4 Must know about self feeding-9
4 Must know about self feeding-8

How to help my baby develop their pincer grasp?

It is thrilling to see your baby accomplish developmental milestones! While most parents look for common ones like ‘rolling over’ or ‘walking’, a multitude of them are cited by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Pincer grasp is one of them. According to Claire Lerner, “Getting the pincer grasp is one of the biggest keys to independence. Eventually, a child will use this grasp to do essential things like feed and dress herself and brush her teeth.”

Holding your finger also can shown your baby is developing pincer grasp.

Holding your finger also can shown your baby is developing pincer grasp.

What is the pincer grasp?

Basically, the pincer grasp is the coordination of the index finger and thumb to hold an item. It helps your little one understand how to pick up things. Once they learn to use pincer grasp or pincer grip, they can successfully feed theirselves with fingers and even can use a spoon. We use pincer grasp daily - when we're holding a pencil, buttoning a shirt, and picking up small objects.

Babies usually develop their pincer grasp between the ages of 9 to 12 months. As babies start to use the pincer grasp, it represents development of other fine motor skills that involve muscles in their hands, strength, and hand-eye coordination.

Pincer grasp development
Source: Growing Handson Kids

Source: Growing Kids

How can I help my babies when they developing pincer grasp?

We can help baby's progress by allowing them to play with (appropriate) small items and toys and letting them self-feed. Their pincer grasp can be developed as they play with toys that require them to squeezed, pushed together, pulled apart, picked up, etc. These actions later progress into ones such as painting, coloring, writing, tying their shoes, and other skills.

You might already know that Grabease's original ergonomic utensils are designed to develop children's independence. How exactly do they do that though? Well, one way is through their ergonomic handle, which is shaped and sized specifically to help develop your little one's pincer grasp.

Left side: stage 2 utensils for 6 months up ; right side: stage 1 utensils for 3 months up - made with 100% food grade silicone.

Left side: stage 2 utensils for 6 months up ; right side: stage 1 utensils for 3 months up - made with 100% food grade silicone.

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Pincer grasp activities for baby

  • Play with blocks (read more about playing with blocks here)

  • Turning pages of a book - start with board books and gradually introduce books with thinner pages

  • Finger foods or you also known as BLW

  • Any activity or toy that promotes squeezing or pinching movements

Pincer grasp activities for toddler

How is the pincer grasp and baby led weaning related? 

Good question - both involve hand eye coordination and babies can use the pincer grasp as they feed themselves when they pick up food and use their utensils. The pincer grasp does not need to be fully developed in order to start baby led weaning. Rather, baby led weaning is just another activity that can help your little one develop that skill!

Encouraging the pincer grasp skill simply means allowing the little explorer to investigate a lot with fingers. Let her enjoy touching and manipulating toys or household objects.

Read more: History of Grabease - What make Grabease so special?

BLW and pincer grasp

Wondering which hand is the correct hand for baby to use?

Now is NOT the time for babies to develop a hand preference. Why? Because by learning to use either hand means baby is also using BOTH sides of her brain. Very young children often use both hands equally. Most children have a preference for using one hand or the other by the age of about 18 months, and are definitely right or left-handed by about the age of three.

We’re focusing on brain development (rather than developing hand dominance, typically seen closer to age three or even four) so parent proactively & encourage baby to learn to fork with both hands.

What happens after the pincer grasp development?

Once the pincer grasp is developed, grasping becomes precise. Babies explore more by shaking, moving, throwing, and rotating. Mouth is no longer their primary sensory preceptor. They use both the hands to determine the size, hardness, texture, weight, and other properties.

Pincer grasp helps in later activities such as writing, coloring with crayons, cutting with scissors, and so on. The child’s preference for using left or right hand emerges slowly, although it can completely develop by two or three years.

Read more: Baby essentials that is important for your children's development

Welcoming you to be part of BabyLux family, if you want to be baby products distributors but not sure where to start, drop us a message!

Modified from Grabease blog post.

4 Reason why I love Grabease silicone suction bowl

Silicone products are becoming increasingly popular and can be found in almost every kitchen, bathroom or nursery. Grabease stay-put bowl provides peace of mind to let littles explore self-feeding without the worry of them making a mess.

We love these Grabease silicone suction bowl since they are easy to clean, even with foods like tomato sauce that can stain other plastic plates. They’re also a safer material for heating in the microwave and washing in the dishwasher. They are very resistant to scratches and have been very durable in our experience, because scratches can break down the material.


Grabease silicone suction bowl come in 3 colors, Blush, Teal, and Gray. Bundle with the stage 1 spoons (spoon teether) which is gentle on teething gums, and stage 2 fork & spoon set for more food exploration. The bundle is the perfect companion for the whole BLW journey.

Read more: Grabease, best baby self feeding spoon and fork set


What I love about Grabease silicone bowl?

Portion, don’t separate

Sectioned to promote healthy portion sizes & satisfy picky eaters. Use sections as a way to portion, rather than separate, foods! The last thing we want is a child who's used to their foods not touching each other and falling apart when the rice touches the chicken or (god forbid!) the ketchup.

Read more: Tired of preparing a separate meal for your picky eater?


The suction is sturdy

This bowl knows how to stay-put with its sturdy suction feature. Be sure to adhere the bowl firmly to the table and allow yourself to go enjoy a cup of coffee without worrying it might end up on the floor. Deep sides for easy scooping. Strong suction base that will adhere to most surfaces.

For a perfect and sturdy suction, press the base of the suction bowl down (where the divider is located). For release, simply lift and pull the tab sticking out at the base of the suction bowl.

Read more: The importance to let your baby self-feeding, it's worth the mess


Keep bacteria away

Food grade silicone can be a safe and convenient alternative to plastic. Due to its flexibility, light weight, easy cleaning and hygienic and hypoallergenic properties (it has no open pores to harbor bacteria), it is especially convenient for snack containers, bibs, mats, protective sleeves and bath toys.

More than ever Grabease are doing are best of ward of harmful bacterias, and this bowl is ready to join the fight. Made of bacteria resistant, food grade silicone. Our food grade silicone is resistant to most bacterias, odors, and stains.


Can be both boiled sterilized

Be sure to wash and inspect bowl for any breakage before use. Discard at first sign of weakness or damage. Our food grade silicone bowl is dishwasher safe. It can be both boiled and sterilized.


Grabease suction divided bowls are designed to provide parents with a compact option optimized for young eaters - the perfect companion for you baby led weaning journey- without the worry about this bowl flying off the table onto the floor. Pairs perfectly with Grabease other items, like the ergonomic utensils.

I love how Grabease develop their product, they developing meaningful products. When I think about eating, I always have Grabease in my mind. They have develop a full kits to build an independent eater.

Read more: Grabease all-over bib review

Grabease full range of product.

Grabease full range of product.

Find a perfect Grabease bundle via your local distributor, or drop us a message if you can’t find one. They are available in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan and many other countries. Also welcoming you to be part of BabyLux family, planning to start own business by being baby products distributors but not sure where to start, drop us a message!